Monday, 11 January 2016


As part of my New Year Resolutions I decided to start a new topic on my blog, KEEP FIT. I see it as a space where I can talk about how I keep healthy, how I stay in shape and why regular exercise and good eating habits are important to me and my family.

In the first 10 days of January I went to the gym 5 times. I know, 5! I want to go to the gym 3 times a week and so far so good. My routine is very simple - I stretch at home, go in, go on the cross-trainer for 20 minutes, run for 15 minutes, stretch again, shower and go home. It is quick, easy and depending on how much time I have I may do some sit-ups (does not happen very often).
To keep fit you do not need to spend money on going to the gym - long brisk walk or a run in the park will do just fine. Nowadays health professional recommend we all do 10 000 steps a day and thanks to an app on my phone I make sure I do them. Gym and exercise has never helped me lose weight - 3 years ago I found a simple detox plan that worked wonders for my body. These days I use the gym to keep the weight off. Let's face it - I am running a cooking blog which means I LOVE TO EAT. I bake delicious cakes and treats for my family and although I try only to sample them it doesn't always work this way. I love chocolate too, it is my ultimate guilty pleasure and going to the gym helps  me not feeling guilty about eating half a bar on an especially bad day.
Session 1 of me being back in the gym felt easy. It was painful but I was watching a movie on the little TV and kept going. I think I felt like I had to prove to myself that 6 weeks off meant nothing. I was wrong - 6 weeks off (and Christmas holidays) meant I couldn't do as much as I wanted and I got tired a lot sooner than I expected.
Session 3 was great! I pushed myself and achieved what I had set out to do. I wasn't aching as much either which was a good start.
Session 5 was hard. I am not sure why - it was a Sunday night, 5:30 pm. Hubby was home with the kids cooking dinner. It should have been a walk in the park. I didn't feel any motivation and no amount of trash TV could help me go through what I wanted to do. So I cut my session a bit short by about 5 minutes. I am not feeling bad about it - it was just one of those days. We had been for a 2 hour walk in the woods earlier plus clothes, shoes and food shopping so I was probably just very tired.

I am trying to go to the gym every other day at the moment, to keep the momentum going. I am really excited to be back and I can honestly say I LOVE IT. The sauna and steam room are a nice bonus and visiting them once a week is pure heaven for my achy muscles.

Do you go to the gym? Do you keep fit? I'd love to know

Desi in the Kitchen

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