Wednesday, 2 December 2015


This is one of these recipes which will leave you wondering why on earth you haven't ever made it/haven't made it in a while. It is so easy, so delicious and most importantly if your kids love pasta, they will love chicken Alfredo too!
Although I love challenging myself in the kitchen I prefer to do it during the day when the kids are at school. Yesterday it was a completely different story - I was home for about half an hour just before school pick up and then me and the kids didn't get back till 4:30pm. With football practice starting at 6 pm I was seriously pressed for time to make them a homemade meal, that's not just sandwiches or cheese on toast. I remembered I had some
roast chicken left over from our Monday night roast (I know what you are thinking!) and it dawned on me - Chicken Alfredo. Both of my kids love pasta with cheese sauce and this was their wish for last night but they had to have some meat and this felt like the perfect opportunity to combine them. Depending on your chicken being cooked already or not you need either 5 or 10 minutes to put this dish together. What I loved about this is that I just went with my gut. I had no recipe, I had no time to google one either. I talked to a friend the other day and she mentioned she watched a video recipe for chicken Alfredo. 'All you need is chicken, pasta, stock, cream and cheese', she told me. Luckily I had all ingredients in my kitchen. I cut the chicken into cubes, put in a pot. Chicken stock, cream and the pasta went in. Add the pasta and stir. Bring to the boil and let it simmer for at around 5 minutes. Stir and add some grated cheese. Leave to simmer for another 5-6 minutes or until your pasta is cooked through. If it looks a bit dry, add some water/stock. If it looks too wet, turn the heat up for a couple of minutes for some of the liquid to evaporate. Or put some more cheese in. Taste and add some salt and pepper if needed. Mine needed only black pepper, my stock cubes tend to be vey salty.
Let it cool for a couple of minutes and serve with a sprinkling of something green. I used dried rosemary as I couldn't find my jar with parsley (I have a feeling I need to get a new one...)
This was probably the quickest meal I have done in a very long while. So simple, so easy and as the kids declared 'This is our favourite mummy! They both had seconds and we still arrived at the football venue with time to spare.
Later that night me and hubby had the chicken Alfredo too - I had to add some water during reheating and it was yummy. The best thing  was that hubby didn't realise it was all cooked in one pot and it took under 15 minutes. He thought I spent quite a while by the hob making the lovely sauce! Result!

This is my recipe:

1 and a bit chicken breast, cut into chunks
1 l chicken stock
400ml double cream
300 gr pasta (I used fusilli. I think some sort of shaped pasta is better for this dish. Or use your kids favourite pasta shapes!)
75-100gr grated cheese (I used mild cheddar but go with whatever you like/have in your fridge)

Let me know how you get on!

Desi in the Kitchen

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